Military Rank: Private

Surname Forenames Regiment Battalion Options
Graham John Harley Durham Light Infantry 3rd Battalion
Peart John Joseph Northumberland Fusiliers
Peart John Calvert Labour Corp 487 Agrecultural Company
Peart Emerson Durham Light Infantry 22nd Batallion
Peart George Albert Durham Light Infantry 15th Service Battalion
Peart John Ralph Yorks and Lancashire Regiment 6th T.W. Battalion
Peart Robert Beck Northumberland Fusiliers 4th Division
Peart Thomas Carr Durham Light Infantry 18th Batallion
Peart Thomas Edward Labour Corps
Peart Thomas William Durham Light Infantry 22nd (S) Batalion (Pioneers)
Proud William Henry Yorkshire Regiment 10th Batallion
Peart Thomas Durham Light Infantry 17th Batallion
Peart Ralph Machine Gun Corp 246th Company
Bell John Joseph Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Battalion
Bennet Henry Machine Gun Corp
Carr Thomas Royal Flying Corp 6th Battalion
Dawson John Ralph Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 2nd Batallion Yorks L.I.
English Emerson Thompson Welsh Regiment 1/5th Battalion, Company B
English Stanley Durham Light Infantry "B" Company 9th Battalion
Featherstone John Edward Lawson Serwood Forresters 6th Battalion
Harrison John James Grenadier Guards 2nd Grenadier Guards
Milburn Charles Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment 5th Batallion
Pattinson John William Royal Army Medical Corps
Robinson William Labour Corps Agricultural Company No. 487
Rowell Edgar West Yorkshire Regiment
Thompson Joseph Durham Light Infantry 14th Batallion (Service Co B)
Wearmouth John Robert Durham Light Infantry 18th Battalion
Wright William Forster East Yorkshire Regiment 8th Battalion (Territorial)
Robinson George Richard Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Robinson Thomas Urban Labour Corp 580 Agrecultural Company
Proudfoot Arthur Northumberland Fusiliers 28th Battalion (Transport Section).
Proudfoot Lawrence Royal Defence Corp "D" Company
Wearmouth John George North Staffordshire Regiment 4th Batallion
Iley Joseph William West Yorkshire Regiment 5th Battalion
Lamb Thomas Royal Field Artillery No.5 Reserve Battalion (412 Company)
Brogden Wilfred Royal Air Force
Colling Herbert Royal Engineers Railway Company
Dalkin J Royal Army Service Company
Dalton Joseph East Yorks 10th Battalion
Elliott Robert William Northumberland Fusilers 19th Batallion
Fairless Thomas William Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Gowland Albert Labour Corp 349th Works Company
Lee John Joseph Royal Army Medical Corp
Lowes Ralph Northumberland Fusilers 19th Batallion
Martindale Arnold West Riding Regiment 3rd Battalion
Mason George Yorkshire Regiment
Morley William Royal Fusiliers
Muschamp Thomas Nelson Durham Light Infantry 1/th Battalion
Muschamp Gordon Norman Canadian Mounted Rifles 5th Battalion
Nattrass George W Durham Light Infantry 4th Battalion
Nattrass William Royal Army Medical Corp 68th Field Ambulance
Readshaw John William Durham Light Infantry 1/7th Batallion
Rodham William Lonsdale Durham Light Infantry 16th Battalion (6th Yorks)
Vickers William Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 2nd, 10th and 9th Battalions
Wall Thomas Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Walton John William Royal Army Medical Corp Field Ambulance (Northumbrian)
Colling Norman Featherstone Durham Light Infantry 18th Battalion (3rd Battalion)
Peadon William Whitfield Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Bee Norman Sidney Yorkshire Regiment Training Reserve Battalion (1st Battalion)
Featherstone Joseph William Northumberland Fusilers 6th Battalion (13th Battalion)
Walton John Sidney Philipson Army Service Corp "K" Supply Company
Whitfield William Shield Yorkshire Regiment 5th Battalion (9th Battalion)
Young John Durham Light Infantry 2/8th Battalion
Johnson Stanley Army Veterinary Corp 30th V P (2nd Battalion)
Maddison John William Durham Light Infantry 1/6th Battalion
Peart Joseph Emerson Army Service Corp 587 Mechanical Transport Company
Rowell Thomas Hodgson Durham Light Infantry 3rd Battalion
Elliott John Gilbert Kings Own Yorkshire Regiment
Featherstone Harold (M.M.) Australian Forces Australian 1st Tunnelling Company
Featherstone Septimus South Staffordshire 5th Battalion
Featherstone Sylvester Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Lowes John Joseph Durham Light Infantry 22nd Battalion
Peadon John Army Service Corp
Peart Frank Durham Light Infantry 22nd Batallion
Peart Thomas Milburn Northumberland Yeomanry Hussars
Pentland John Phillipson Yorkshire Regiment
Philipson Munro Dixon Northumberland Fusilliers 3rd Batallion
Watson William Herbert North Staffordshire Regiment 7th Battalion
Watson John Joseph Durham Light Infantry 4th Battalion
Bowes John Philipson Durham Light Infantry 18th Service Battalion
Johnson Percy Durham Light Infantry 5th Reserve Battalion
Maddison John Parker Durham Light Infantry 22nd Battalion ( Pioneers)
Alderson John George Durham Light Infantry 21 Battalion (Reserve),
Armoury Robert Durham Light Infantry 3/6th Battalion
Bainbridge Henry Dawson Tank Corp 22nd Light Tank Battalion
Bainbridge Percy Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion (9th Battalion Pioneers)
Baty Thomas Henry Northumberland Fusiliers 1/5th Battalion (Territorial).
Beadle Alfred Edward Durham Light Infantry 20th Batallion & 7th Battalion
Bell Roger South Irish Horse
Best George William Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Best Joseph Pattinson Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Blades John Richard Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Blades William Hodgson Durham Light Infantry 22nd Service Battalion
Brown Charles Yorkshire and Lancashire 4th Battalion
Cleasby Gilbert North Staffordshire Prince of Wales Regiment 5th & 9th Battalion
Cleasby Wales Durham Light Infantry 6 Battalion (Territorial)
Coulthard Alfred Durham Light Infantry 11th Battalion
Craig John Edward Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion`
Craig Joseph Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Currah William John Ridley Royal Kent Regiment 2/5th Battalion
Denham Norman Durham Light Infantry 1/6th Battalion
Dodd James Yorkshire and Lancashire Regiment 4th Battalion
Dodd Robert Parker Royal Army Medical Corps Field Ambulance no. 12
Egglestone JosephThomas Royal Scots Lothian Regiment 8th Battalion (Territorial), Company E
Elliott George Thomas Durham Light Infantry 25th Reserve Battalion
Elliott Percy Ritson Northumberland Fusilliers 53st Y S Bragade Training Reserve
Elliott John Thomas Durham Light Infantry 3/6th Battalion
Fairless Hugh North Staffordshire Regiment 5th Battalion
Fenwick William Durham Light Infantry 18th Battalion
Foster Jack Durham Light Infantry 3/6th Battalion
Foster Oliver Mills Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Gibson William Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Gowland John George Durham Light Infantry 12th Battalion (Service)
Gowland Joseph Durham Light Infantry 9th Battalion (Teritorial Force)
Gowland Thomas Northumberland Fusiliers 17th Battalion (North East Railway Pioneers).
Greveson Albert Summerson Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Hall John William Royal Army Medical Corps Field Ambulance (Northumbrian) 3/2nd line
Harrison George Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Harrison John Thomas Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Hayton James Ernest Durham Light Infantry 20th Batallion
Henderson George Andrew Northumberland Fusilliers 7th Battalion
Irwin Norman Durham Light Infantry 3rd Batallion
Lonsdale Wilfred Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Maddison James William Royal Army Medical Corps 5th N General Hospital
March Charles (Charlie) Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
March Thomas Hall Leicestershire Regiment 6th Batallion
March George Henry Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Philipson Donald Dudley Royston South Staffordshire Regiment 5th Batallion
Philipson Thomas Durham Light Infantry 6th Batallion
Raw Paul Durham Light Infantry 3/6th Battalion
Raw Thomas Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Sanderson Joseph William Yorkshire Regiment 4th Battalion
Sanderson Thomas Norman York and Lancaster Regiment 4th Batallopn
Shield Fred Norman Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Stephenson Felix Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Swatten Charles Albert Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Temperley Isaac Border Regiment RAF
Tinkler George Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Tinkler John William West Yorkshire Regement 1st Infantry Labour Company
Vipond George William Lincolnshire Regiment
Wallace Arthur Lincolnshire Regiment
Wearmouth Joseph Turnbull Durham Light Infantry 22tn Battalion (Pioneers).
Whitfield Henry Allan Prince of Waless Own West Yorkshire Regiment 6th Battalion
Willan George Durham Light Infantry 5th Battalion
Woodhall Thomas Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 1st Battalion
Armstrong George William Durham Light Infantry 4th Battalion
Bruce Charles Hobson Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Longstaff Stephen Dawson Thompson Yorkshire and Lancashire Regiment 16th Battalion
Noble Arthur Vickers Durham Light Infantry
Pattinson Septimus Royal Army Medical Corp 10th Company
Robinson John William Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Johnson John Swan Coldstream Guards 11th Training (15th Teritorial Reseve)
Ward William Durham Light Infantry 18th Batallion
Bell Thomas Sidney Durham Light Infantry 1/5th Battalion
Craig Matthew York and Lancaster Regiment 1/4th Battalion
Fletcher William York and Lancaster Regiment 2nd Bregade
Place John William Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Cave Ernest George Border Regiment 2nd Battalion
Burrup Joseph Border Regiment 9th Battalion
Rutter Albert Whitfield Border Regiment
Hutchinson George Oswald Northumberland Fusiliers 17th Batallion
Stephenson Jonathan Yorkshire Regiment Darlington Pals 11th (2nd Reserve Battalion)
Stephenson Joseph Wilfred Durham Light Infantry 18th (Reserve) Battalion
Gregory Joseph Border Regiment 1/5th Battalion
Ellwood Matthew Durham Light Infantry
Smith David Durham Light Infantry 5th Battalion "B" Company
Chapman Clarence Durham Light Infantry 1/6 Battalion
Dennison Thomas William Royal Army Medical Corp 28th Company
Dennison Douglas Royal Army Medical Corp
Hull Herbert Mandell Royal Army Medical Corp
Ellwood John Thomas Durham Light Infantry 11th Batallion (Pioneers)
Johnson James Sidney Yorkshire Regiment 3rd Battalion
Bainbridge Andrew Matthew Northumberland Fusiliers 16th Battalion
Storey William Thomas Lincolnshire Regiment
Best Thomas William 23rd Provisional Battalion "A" Company
Peacock William James Durham Light Infantry 25th Battalion
Robinson John Durham Light Infantry
Baylis John Wilfred Durham Light Infantry 3/7th Battalion
Plowright John Joseph Durham Light Infantry 1st (H.S.D.)
Allinson William Yorkshire Regiment 3rd Battalion
Ambler Willie Durham Light Infantry 47th (Home Service Employment Company)
Coates William Angus Durham Light Infantry 5th Reserve Battalion (6th Battalion)
Emerson Thomas Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Emmerson Charles Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Burke Joseph Northumberland Fusiliers
Copley Harold Northumberland Fusiliers 53rd (Y.S.)Battalion Training Reserve
Dodd Henry Edwin Yorkshire and Lancashire Regement 13th
Frankland Charles Henry Durham Light Infantry 5th Reserve Battalion
Lambert Thomas Martin Suffork Regiment 2nd Service Company
Oxley Arthur Durham Light Infantry 5th Reserve Battalion
Renahan James Arthur Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Shaw John George Honourable Artillary Company 1st Reserve Battalion
Wharton Thomas East Yorkshire Regiment 7th Training Reserve Battalion
Allen James Grenadier Guards 1st Foot Battalion
Bowe John Durham Light Infantry 16th Battalion
Cooke John Durham Light Infantry 9th Battalion
Dobson Fredrick George Northumberland Fusiliers 23rd Battalion
Gardiner Percy Durham Light Infantry 2nd Training Reserve Battalion
Golightly George Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Loftus John Durham Light Infantry 4th Labourer Company
Sanderson John Border Regiment Army Reserve (Special Reservists)
Stockdale Joseph Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Reed William Northumberland Yeomanry 1st Batallion
Westgarth William (Willie) Durham Light Infantry 518th Field Company (R.E.)
Gardiner Charles Fredrick Durham Light Infantry 18th Service Battalion
Coulthard John Northumberland Fusiliers 4th(Reserve)
Suffield Bernard Harold Northumberland Fusiliers Larbour Corp
Baty George William Durham Light Infantry 20th Batallion
Bell Thomas Durham Light Infantry 1/6th Battalion
Bell George Thomas Lincolnshire Regiment
Bowe James Labour Corps Home Service Employment Company no. 525,
Brown John Dryden Royal Fusiliers 12th Battalion (Service)
Colling Thomas Whitfield Cyclist Corps 15th Battalion
Coulson James West Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Battalion (Regulars).
Davison Wilfred Border Regiment 9th Battalion (Pioneers).
Dawson Frank Foster (Photo) Durham Light Infantry
Dobson John Thomas Labour Corps
Ellwood Joseph Leinster Regiment 2nd Battalion
Emmerson Herbert Army Service Corps
Graham John Isaac ????? Essex Regiment 13th Battalion (West Ham)
Hogarth William Notts and Derby Sherwood Foresters Regiment 1st Batallion
Hopper Fred Northumberland Fusiliers 52th Battalion (Graduated), Company B.
Indian William Gardner Labour Corps Home Service Employment Company No. 500
Johnson Burnip Army Ordnance Corps
Johnson Robert Charles Northumberland Fusiliers 4 Battalion (Reserve).
Lambert Alfred Durham Light Infantry 6th Batallion
Lowes Thomas Durham Light Infantry 5th Batallion
Mann Joshua Warwickshire Yeomanry 1st Regiment
Pattinson Fred Lancashire Fusiliers 1/6th Battalion
Peart John Isaac Graham Essex Regiment 13th Batallion (West Ham)
Peart John Ralph Labour Corps Company No. 53
Pickering Joseph Henry Royal Army Medical Corps Field Ambulance No. 142
Plowright Thomas William Durham Light Infantry 8th Batallion
Robson George Albert (Wrong on list) Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Robson Thomas William (Wrong on list) Essex Regement 1st Batallion
Rowe Paul Durham Light Infantry 11th Batallion "D" Company
Rowell Joseph Army Service Corps
Rutherford Norman Durham Light Infantry 22nd Batallion
Rutter Ernest Thompson Durham Light Infantry 1/7th Batallion
Rutter William Royal Tank Corps Central Workshops
Sanderson John Labour Corps Labour Company No. 152
Holliday George Fredrick Smith Northumberland Fusiliers 13th Battalion (Service)
Thompson Adam Seaforth Highlanders 5th Batallion
Troughton Frederick Thompson Royal Welch Fusiliers 8th Battalion
Wallace George Border Regiment 9th Battalion (Pioneers).
Dowson John Walton Labour Corps Agricultural Company
Walton Lionel William Durham Light Infantry 3rd Battalion (Reserve), Company no. 5
Ward Joseph Nevin Durham Light Infantry 18th Battalion (Durham Pals)
Watson John Durham Light Infantry 10th Batallion (Service)
Watson Thomas Newton Northumberland Fusiliers 13th Battalion (Service).
Watson William Frederick Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport Company No. 728
Wilson Harry Tank Corp and Machine Gun Company 5th Reserve Cavelry
Wilson Fred Royal Army Medical Corps Field Ambulance No. 147
Wilson John George Kings Own Scottish Borderers 1st Batallion
Adamson James Edward Manchester Regiment 8th Battalion (Territorial).
Armstrong Oliver Northumberland Fusiliers 16th Battalion (Newcastle Commercials).
Patterson Albert Henry M.M. & Bar Hampshire Regiment 1st Battalion
Stobbs Ernest Arthur East Yorkshire Regiment 4th Battalion (Reserve).
Scott Henry Labour Corps Agricultural Company No. 534
Golightly William Scott Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion (Territorial).
Waugh John Labour Corps Agricultural Company No. 412
Etherington John Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport no. 285
Todd Albert Labour Corps Royal Engineers Garrison Guard Company no 791
Caldow Edward Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport Heavy Repair Shop No. 2
Vasey John William Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 4th Battalion
Batty Arthur Dudley Army Service Corps Expiditionary Force Canteen
Parvin Charlie Army Ordnance Corps
Newton John Allinson Labour Corps Labour Company No. 21
Gordon Thomas Royal Marine Light Infantry HMS Cyclops
Etherington John Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport No. 285
Hamilton Cornelius Labour Corps Agricultural Company No. 407
Langdale Norman Durham Light Infantry 22nd Batallion
Langdale George Thomas Royal Army Medical Corps Field Ambulance (Northumbrian) No 2
Haygarth Thomas Henry Royal Field Artillery Brigade no. 46, Battery ‘D’
Dyson Sidney Border Regiment 9th Battalion (Pioneers).
Briggs Ernest Northumberland Fusiliers 21st Battalion (2 Tyneside Scottish)
Butterill John Esmond Army Ordnance Corps
Kirkbride Thomas Highland Light Infantry 9th Battalion (Glasgow Highland).
Adamson Robert Hodgson Durham Light Infantry 1st/6th Battalion
Airey Edward York and Lancaster Regiment 6th (Service) Battalion
Allison Joseph William Durham Light Infantry 26th Battalion
Anderson Alexander Durham Light Infantry 1st/8th Battalion
Austin Frank Northumberland Fusiliers 36th Battalion (Territorial)
Bainbridge Oliver Durham Light Infantry 1st/6th Battalion
Bainbridge Ralph Northumberland Fusiliers 9th Battalion
Bainbridge Walter Suffolk Regiment 11th Battalion
Bainbridge Walter Harley Manchester Regiment 1st/7th Bn
Bell William Edward East Yorkshire Regiment
Bolam John Gildard Durham Light Infantry 1st 7th Battalion
Bowe George Lincolmshire Regament 10th Battalion
Bright John Francis Durham Light Infantry 1st/5th Battalion
Brown Joseph Gardiner Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Brown Joseph Gardiner Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Brown Robert Highland Light Infantry 9th (Glasgow Highland) Battalion (Territorial)
Burke Thomas Durham Light Infantry 22nd D.L.I.
Coates George Henry Durham Light Infantry 22nd Battalion
Colling Jacob Ralph Northumberland Fusiliers 17th Battalion (N.E.R. Pioneers)
Colling Thomas Henry Northumberland Fusiliers 16th Battalion
Colling Watson Thomas Henry Northumberland Fusiliers 16th Battalion
Conacher Peter Seaforth Highlander 1st Battalion
Coulthard Harry Durham Light Infantry 1st 6th Battalion
Coulthard John Robert Princes of Wales'Own Yorkshire Hussars 2th Battalion
Coulthard William Durham Light Infantry 8th Battalion
Cox Cornellius Northumberland Fusilliers Tyneside Irish
Dalton Jesse Northumberland Fusiliers 1st Battalion
Denham William Durham Light Infantry 1st 6th Battalion
Dennison Alfred Durham Light Infantry 1st/6th Battalion
Dennison Herbert Durham Light Infantry 2th Battalion
Dobson Thomas Stephenson Durham Light Infantry 1st 6th Battalion
Egglestone William Henry Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Egglestone William Henry Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Ellwood John William Durham Light Infantry 1st 6th Battalion
Emerson Thomas William Cameronians Scottish Rifles 10th Battalion
Emmerson Thomas Durham Light Infantry 22nd Battalion
English Edward Norman Durham Light Infantry 22nd Battalion
Fairless John Thomas The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 7th Battalion
Forest Edwin Durham Light Infantry 1st/5th Battalion
Forster Charles Josep William Durham Light Infantry 12th B attalion Training Reserve
Forster John Edward Durham Light Infantry 18th Battalion
Furnace Alfred Durham Light Infantry 18th Battalion
Golightly John George Durham Light Infantry 1st 5th Battalion
Graham John Joseph Northumberland Fusiliers 20th (Tyneside Scottish) Battalion
Greaves William Henry Princes of Wales Own Yorkshire Hussars 4th Battalion
Greenwell George Herbert Border Regiment 2nd Battalion
Hall William John Thomas Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 7th Battalion
Harwood Harold Hampshire Regiment 2nd Battalion
Hawkins James William Canadian Infantry Manitobaa 27th Bn . Canadian Inf
Hawkins John George Durham Light Infantry 22nd Battalion
Hayton George T Durham Light Infantry 1st 6th Battalion
Heatherington John William Durham Light Infantry 2nd Battalion "B Company"
Henderson John William Canadian Infantry Quebec 24th Battalion
Henderson William Border Regimen 7th Battalion
Herdman John George Auckland Regiment New Zealand Expeditionary Force 1st Battalion
Hind Thomas Wallace Durham Light Infantry 1st/9th Battalion
Hodgson George Albert Durham Light Infantry 1st/9th Battalion
Hodgson Matthew Durham Light Infantry 13th Battalion
Hodgson Robert William London Regiment 20th (County of London) Battalion (Blackheath and Woolwich)
Hodgson Thomas Durham Light Infantry 19th Battalion
Hogg Edward Durham Light Infantry 2nd Battalino
Hugill Fred Durham Light Infantry 12th Battalion (14th Battalion)
Jackson John Durham Light Infantry 1st 6th Battalion
Jackson John Henry Royal Army Medical Corp
Jackson Joseph Durham Light Infantry 15th Battalion
Jarvis David Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment 6th Battalion
Lally Joseph Northumberland Fusiliers 25th Battalion (Tyneside Irish)
Lever Frederick Princes of Wales OwnYorkshire Hussars 2nd Battalion
Lockey Henry Waterloo (M.M.) Durham Light Infantry
Loosemore Frank Howard Devonshire Regiment 9th Battalion
Lowden Roger (M.M.) East Yorkshire Regiment 1st/9th Battalion
Lowery Herbert Durham Light Infantry 20nd Battalion
Maddison Joseph Thompson Machine Gun Corps 1st Company
Madgen Robert Essex Regiment 1st Battalion
McMillan John Elliott Northumberland Fusiliers 25th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion
Milburn Albert Durham Light Infantry 15th Battalion
Milburn Philip Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment 1st 5th Battalion
Morgan Arnold Durham Light Infantry 1t 5th Battalion
Oliver William Dent York and Lancaster Regiment 6th (Service) Battalion
Patterson Robert William Lincolnshire Regiment 2nd/4th Battalion
Pattinson Joseph Tank Corp "G" Battalion
Peart Ernest Machine Gun Corps 29th Battalion
Peart Fredrick Durham Light Infantry 9th Battalion
Peart John Morley Australian Infantry AIF
Peart Joseph Vickers M.M. Durham Light Infantry 1/8th Battalion
Race Wilfred Australian Pioneers 3rd Batalion
Raine Arthur Durham Light Infantry 2nd Battalion
Raine Arthur Durham Light Infantry and Royal Engineers 2nd Battalion
Ripley Robert Randolph Durham Light Infantry 1st/6th Battalion
Robson John Thomas Australian Infantry AIF 9th Battalion
Rutherford Joseph William Durham Light Infantry 12th Battalion
Smail Andrew Royal Defence Corps 160th Protection Company
Smith Thomas Alaby Northumberland Fusiliers 22nd (Tyneside Scottish) Batalion
Sparke Thomas Border Regiment 1st Battalion
Spedding Thomas Durham Light Infantry 1st/6th Battalion
Stewart John Brough Durham Light Infantry 10th Battalion
Tose Mark Durham Light Infantry 1st/5th Battalion
Tweddle Arthur William Durham Light Infantry 1st 6th Battalion
Vickers Robert Whitehead Dorsetshire Regiment 6th Battalion
Waller Robert Durham Light Infantry 2nd Battalio
Walton Fredrick London Regiment 22nd Battalion
Walton John Thomas Durham Light Infantry 1st/6th Battalion
Walton William Vincent Highland Light Infantry 14th (Service) Battalion
Ward John Robert Australian Infantry AIF 29th Battalion
Watson Charles Edward York and Lancaster Regiment 10th (Service) Battalino - Formerly 47125, West Yorkshire Regiment.n
Watson George Fredrick Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 10th Battalion
Watson Thomas Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Wearmouth Isaac Norman Coldstream Guards 1st Battalion
Whann John William Northumberland Fusiliers 1st 4th Battalion (Territorials)
Whitfield Richard East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Battalion
Whitfield Robert Walton Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 12th Battalion
Wilkinson John Northumberland Fusiliers 20th (Tyneside Scottish) Battalion
Wilson Charles Durham Light Infantry 2nd Battalion
Woodhams Morris Durham Light Infantry 3rd Battalion. transf. to (21434) 36th Coy. Labour Corps
Yule George Gladstone Army Service Corps 136th M.T. Coy. (Dartford)