: 6th Battalion (Territorial)
"A" Bregade
"A" Company
"B" Battary (77th Bregade)
"B" Battrey/160 Bragade
"B" Company 9th Battalion
"C" Company 13th Batallion
"D" Battry. 107th Brigade
"D" Company
"G" Battalion
"K" Supply Company
(Hussars). Headquarters
(Local Reserve), 21st Battalion
1/3rd Battalion (Territorial)
1/4th Battalion
1/5th Battalion
1/5th Battalion (Territorial).
1/5th Battalion, Company B
1/6 Battalion
1/6th Batallion
1/6th Battalion
1/7th Batallion
1/8th Battalion
1/9th Batallion
1/th Battalion
105th Siege Company
10th (Service) Battalino - Formerly 47125, West Yorkshire Regiment.n
10th Batallion
10th Batallion (Service)
10th Battalion
10th Company
1124 Motorised Transport Company
115th. Heavy. Battrey
11th (2nd Reserve Battalion)
11th Batallion
11th Batallion "D" Company
11th Batallion (Pioneers)
11th Battalion
11th Battalion (Pioneers).
11th Training (15th Teritorial Reseve)
12th B attalion Training Reserve
12th Batalion, 4th Durham L.I. (T.F.)
12th Batallion
12th Battalion
12th Battalion (14th Battalion)
12th Battalion (B Company)
12th Battalion (Service)
12th Company
12th Training Reserve Battalion
136th M.T. Coy. (Dartford)
13th Batallion (West Ham)
13th Battalion
13th Battalion (Service)
13th Battalion (Service).
13th Battalion (West Ham)
14th (Service) Battalion
14th Batallion (Service Co B)
157th Heavy Battary
159th Brigade
15th Battalion
15th Bregade
15th Service Batallion
15th Service Battalion
160th Protection Company
168th Brigade, Battery B
168th P Company (Provisional Protection Company)
16th Batallion
16th Battalion
16th Battalion ("D" Company)
16th Battalion (6th Yorks)
16th Battalion (Newcastle Commercials).
16th Bregade
17th Batallion
17th Battalion
17th Battalion (N.E.R. Pioneers)
17th Battalion (North East Railway Pioneers)
17th Battalion (North East Railway Pioneers).
17th Battalion (Service).
17th Fire Command
17th New Heavy Battrey
18th (Reserve) Battalion
18th Batallion
18th Battalion
18th Battalion (3rd Battalion)
18th Battalion (Durham Pals
18th Battalion (Durham Pals)
18th Battalion (Durham Pals).
18th Service Battalion
19th Battalion
19th Batallion
19th Battalion
19th Battalion (Durham Bantams).
19th Service Battalion
1st (H.S.D.)
1st 4th Battalion (Territorials)
1st 5th Battalion
1st 6th Battalion
1st 7th Battalion
1st Batallion
1st Battalion
1st Battalion (Regulars).
1st Company
1st Foot Battalion
1st Infantry Labour Company
1st Regiment
1st Reserve Battalion
1st Reserve Battary
1st Training Reserve Battalion
1st. Div. Signal Coy.
1st/5th Battalion
1st/5th Battalion London Regiment
1st/6th Battalion
1st/7th Battalion
1st/7th Bn
1st/8th Battalion
1st/9th Battalion
1t 5th Battalion
2 4th Battalion
2/1 Battalion
2/4th Batallion
2/4th Battalion
2/5th Battalion
2/6th Battalion
2/8th Battalion
204th Seige. Battry
20nd Battalion
20th (County of London) Battalion (Blackheath and Woolwich)
20th (Tyneside Scottish) Battalion
20th Batallion
20th Batallion & 7th Battalion
20th Battalion
20th Battalion (Wearside)
20th Battalion (Wearside), Transport
20th Battalion (Wearside).
20th Tank Battalion
20th Tyneside Scotish Battalion
20th, 116th Training Reserve Battalion, No 5th Company
20th, 51st Battalion
21 Battalion (Reserve),
21st Battalion (2 Tyneside Scottish)
21st Heavy Battrey
225th Field Company (Roads and Quarries)
22nd (S) Batalion (Pioneers)
22nd (Tyneside Scottish) Batalion
22nd Batallion
22nd Battalion
22nd Battalion ( Pioneers)
22nd Company
22nd D.L.I.
22nd Light Tank Battalion
22nd Service Battalion
22nd Service Battalion (Pioneers)
22tn Battalion (Pioneers).
23 Battalion (4 Tyneside Scottish)
230 Seige Battrey
234th Field Company
23rd Battalion
23rd, 4th Battalion, Tyneside Scottish
246th Company
24th Battalion
255th Seige Battry
25th (Reserve) Battalion
25th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion
25th (Works) Battalion
25th Battalion
25th Battalion (Tyneside Irish)
25th Reserve Battalion
26th Battalion
27th Bn . Canadian Inf
286th Siege Battery
28th (Reserve) Battalion
28th Battalion (Transport Section).
28th Company
29th Battalion
2nd Army Bregade
2nd Batallion
2nd Batallion Yorks L.I.
2nd Battalino
2nd Battalio
2nd Battalion
2nd Battalion "B Company"
2nd Battalion (Pioneers).
2nd Battalion (Regulars).
2nd Border Regiment
2nd Bregade
2nd D.L.I.
2nd Grenadier Guards
2nd Northumbrian Field Ambulance
2nd Service Company
2nd Signels Depot
2nd Training Reserve Battalion
2nd Trench Mortar Battery
2nd Volunteer Battalion
2nd, 10th and 9th Battalions
2nd(Reserve)Battery,14th Brigade
2nd/4th Battalion
2nd/5th Battalion
2th Battalion
3/6th Battalion
3/7th Battalion
3/9 Battalion
305th Road Construction Company
30th V P (2nd Battalion)
312 Brigade - 40th Reserve Battery - 2"C" Reserve Bregade
32nd (Reserve), 17th Service Battalion
349th Works Company
362 Company
36th Battalion
36th Battalion (Territorial)
36th Battary
39th Company
3rd Batalion
3rd Batallion
3rd Batallion
3rd Battalion
3rd Battalion
3rd Battalion (Reserve)
3rd Battalion (Reserve), Company no. 5
3rd Battalion. transf. to (21434) 36th Coy. Labour Corps
3rd Reserve
4 Battalion (Reserve).
41nd Reserve Battrey
43rd Company.
448th Field Company
45th Remount Service
47th (Home Service Employment Company)
47th Company
487 Agrecultural Company
48th Batallion
49th Division
4th Ad.Remount Squad
4th Batallion
4th Batallion (261 Siege Battery)
4th Batallopn
4th Battalion
4th Battalion (Reserve).
4th Battalion (Territorial) The Buffs
4th Battalion/1st line
4th Depot
4th Division
4th Labour Batallion
4th Labour Battalion
4th Labourer Company
4th, 7th Battalion
5 Battalion (Reserve).
5 Battalion/1st line (London Rifle Brigade)
50 Division (Pioneers).
50th Battalion
50th Reserve Batallion
518th Field Company (R.E.)
526th Field Company
529th Field Coy
52th Battalion (Graduated), Company B.
53rd (Y.S.)Battalion Training Reserve
53rd Battalion
53st Y S Bragade Training Reserve
56th Anti-Aircraft Section, Battery T
579th Company
580 Agrecultural Company
587 Mechanical Transport Company
5th & 9th Battalion
5th Batallion
5th Batallion (23rd Batallion Tank Corp)
5th Battalion
5th Battalion "B" Company
5th Battalion (9th Battalion)
5th Battalion (Reserve).
5th Company
5th N General Hospital
5th Reserve Battalion
5th Reserve Battalion (6th Battalion)
5th Reserve Cavelry
6 Battalion (Territorial)
66th (Siege) Battery
66th Battalion
66th Battrey, 4th Bregade
67th Brigade Battery
68th Field Ambulance
6th (Service) Battalion
6th Batallion
6th Battalion
6th Battalion (13th Battalion)
6th Battalion (68th Territorial Force)
6th Battalion (9th Battalion Pioneers)
6th Battalion (Admin Center)
6th Battalion (Territorial)
6th Battalion (Territorial).
6th Battalion. attd. 4th Battalion. York and Lancaster Regiment
6th Battalion`
6th Heavy Battrey
6th Prov Company
6th Reserve Battalion
6th T.W. Battalion
72nd Bragade
79th Field Company
7th Batallion
7th Battalion
7th Battalion (Territorial)
7th Training Reserve Battalion
82nd Company
84th Battalion
8th Batallion
8th Battalion
8th Battalion (Service)
8th Battalion (Territorial)
8th Battalion (Territorial), Company E
8th Battalion (Territorial).
90th Siege Battery
99th Company ( 1041)
9th (Glasgow Highland) Battalion (Territorial)
9th Batallion
9th Battalion
9th Battalion (Glasgow Highland).
9th Battalion (Pioneers).
9th Battalion (Teritorial Force)
9th Border Regement
9th Labour Corp
A" Company. 7th Service Battalion.
Agricultural Company
Agricultural Company No. 209
Agricultural Company No. 407
Agricultural Company No. 412
Agricultural Company no. 487
Agricultural Company No. 492
Agricultural Company No. 534
Anti-Aircraft Section No. 38
Army Reserve (Special Reservists)
Army Service Corp (Mechanical Transport) No 285
Attached 20th Canadian Field Artillery
Australian 1st Tunnelling Company
Battalion No. 8 (Reserve)
Battery No 135 (Heavy)
Battery No 38
Battery no. 192 (Heavy)
Battery No.151 (Heavy).
Battrey No 49 (Reserves)
Brigade Ammunition Column No. 16
Brigade no. 46, Battery ‘D’
Brigade No. 58
Brigade No. 7 (Reserve).
Brigade no. 9, Battery no. 20
Brigade No. 92
Canadian Cyclist Battalion no. 12
Canadian Mounted Rifles
Central Workshops
Company 51
Company No. 30
Company No. 43
Company No. 53
Company No. 579
Expiditionary Force Canteen
Field Ambulance (Northumbrian)
Field Ambulance (Northumbrian) 3/2nd line
Field Ambulance (Northumbrian) No 2
Field Ambulance (Northumbrian) no. 3/2nd
Field Ambulance no. 12
Field Ambulance No. 142
Field Ambulance No. 147
Field Company
Field Company No 406
Field Company No 79
Field Company No. 15
Foot Branch
Guards Machine Gun Battalion
Head Quarters Company, 49th Battalion
Headquarters, 2nd Army
HMS Cyclops
HMS Pyramus
Home Service Employment Company No. 500
Home Service Employment Company no. 525,
Labour Battalion
Labour Company No. 132
Labour Company No. 152
Labour Company No. 17
Labour Company No. 21
Labour Company No. 412
Labour Corp
Larbour Corp
Mechanical Transport
Mechanical Transport Company No. 728
Mechanical Transport Heavy Repair Shop No. 2
Mechanical Transport no. 285
No 2 Reinforcement Training Camp, 31st Depot
No 2nd Water Tank Company
No. 1 Depot
No. 3 Reinforcement Co
No.1 Depot
No.5 Reserve Battalion
No.5 Reserve Battalion (412 Company)
Northern Command, 525th (Home Service) Employment Company
Pontoon Park, No. 5 ???
Protection Company No. 153
R.E.T.C., Newark
Railway Company
Railway Troup Depot
RailwayOperating Depot
Railways Troup Department
Reserve Battalion
Roads & Quarries (Road Construction Company)
Royal Anglesey
Royal Engineers Garrison Guard Company no 791
Royal Naval Barracks
Searchlight Company
Service Battalion
Siege Battery no. 1
Siege Battery No. 101
Siege Battery No. 175
Siege Battery no. 21
Siege Battery No. 229
Siege Battery No. 508
Siege Battery no. 549
Siege Brigade No. 3 (Artillery Reserve)
Signals Company
Signel Service
Southern Aeroplane Repair Depot, Farnborough
Squadron B
Squadron no. 89
SR/8107 Base Detail
Temporary Leading Telegraphist
Training Reserve Battalion (1st Battalion)
Tyneside Irish