
About the Project

This website was commissioned by the Trustees of the Weardale Museum as a way of remembering and commemorating those from Weardale who were involved in various conflicts over the last 200 years.

Creation of this website was made possible by the Weardale Museum receiving a generous National Lottery "Heritage Emergency Fund" grant to help address the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on heritage. The pandemic resulted in the closure of the Museum from March 2020 and this website will assist in making publicly available, a large segment of data gathered by our Family History team. Inputting all of this data will necessarily be over a period of time so please keep visiting the website.

If you wish to support this service, then please consider making a donation.

The Weardale Museum

Having purchased the adjoining High House Methodist Chapel in June 2020 both the Museum and the Chapel are currently closed due to both the impact of Covid-19 and essential restoration works being undertaken in the Chapel. We hope the Museum can re-open in Spring 2021. Our restoration project will lead to the creation of "The Weardale Museum & Heritage Centre" and when complete it will have expanded our space five-fold, including the provision of a Visitor Centre at the rear of the Chapel.

You can read about this development plan at www.weardalemuseum.org.uk.