Profile: Arthur Henry Shaw

Gunner Arthur Henry Shaw (No: 52504)

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:


Village: Wolsingham

Parish: Wolsingham

Enlisted: Thursday, November 12, 1914, Darlington (aged 26)

Regiment: Royal Garrison Artillery

Battalion: 21st Heavy Battrey

Conflict: First World War

War Record: Yes

Discharge Status:

Next of Kin: Son of William Shaw of Trodbeck House, Wolsingham


Occupation on enlistment - Joiner -Served 3 Years in France - Demobilised (1/4/1919) - Had 4d per day taken off his wages for the maintenance of his Bastard child to Miss Annie Thompsonof Blades House, Crook and was ordered by magistrate to pay 2/6d per week until the age of 13 years (30/3/1915) - (lots of doc on this subject)