Profile: John Stanhope (M.C.) Crawhall

Major John Stanhope (M.C.) Crawhall (No: 406)

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:


Village: Stanhope

Parish: Stanhope

Enlisted: , (aged )

Regiment: Royal Engineers

Battalion: Field Company

Conflict: First World War

War Record: No

Discharge Status:

Next of Kin: Son of John & Annie Crawhall of The Square, Stanhope


Occupation in 1911 Census - At North Eastern School for Boys ay Barnard Castle, aged 13 - Fought at Gallipoli (30/06/1915) - British Newspapers Report from the Newcastle Journel 1st September 1915 "News has just reached Stanhope That Lieutenant J S Crawhall, Royal Engineers has been wounded at the "Dardanelles", and is neow in the General Hospital at Alexandria progressing Favourably"