Village: St Johns Chapel

Surname Forenames Regiment Battalion Options
Peart Thomas Edward Labour Corps
Robinson Thomas Urban Labour Corp 580 Agrecultural Company
Emerson Joseph Albert Royal Field Artillery No.1 Depot
Walton John William Royal Army Medical Corp Field Ambulance (Northumbrian)
Colling Norman Featherstone Durham Light Infantry 18th Battalion (3rd Battalion)
Dawson John Thomas Royal Engineer Sgnals 39th Company
Peadon William Whitfield Durham Light Infantry 6th Battalion
Staley John Army Service Corp 99th Company ( 1041)
Elliott William James Royal Garrison Artillery 47th Company
Bee Norman Sidney Yorkshire Regiment Training Reserve Battalion (1st Battalion)
Featherstone Joseph William Northumberland Fusilers 6th Battalion (13th Battalion)
Walton John Sidney Philipson Army Service Corp "K" Supply Company
Herdman William Royal Garrison Artillery 2nd Signels Depot
Whitfield William Shield Yorkshire Regiment 5th Battalion (9th Battalion)
Johnson Stanley Army Veterinary Corp 30th V P (2nd Battalion)
Peart Joseph Emerson Army Service Corp 587 Mechanical Transport Company
Rowell Thomas Hodgson Durham Light Infantry 3rd Battalion
Thompson Archibald Army Service Corp 579th Company
Robinson Thomas William Royal Field Artillary
Peart John Robert Durham Light Infantry 15th Bregade
Peart Joseph Lawrence Royal Engineers Roads & Quarries (Road Construction Company)
Peart Frank Durham Light Infantry 22nd Batallion
Pentland John Phillipson Yorkshire Regiment
Robinson William Urban Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Watson John Joseph Durham Light Infantry 4th Battalion
Johnson Percy Durham Light Infantry 5th Reserve Battalion
Bee John William Royal Navy
Herdman Donald Royal Navy
Colling William Northumberland Fusiliers 3rd Reserve
Coulthard John Northumberland Fusiliers 4th(Reserve)
Johnson Alfred Northumberland Fusiliers 16th Battalion ("D" Company)
Suffield Bernard Harold Northumberland Fusiliers Larbour Corp
Bell George Thomas Lincolnshire Regiment
Colling Thomas Whitfield Cyclist Corps 15th Battalion
Coulthard Emmerson Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion (Wearside).
Race John George Royal Defence Corps 168th P Company (Provisional Protection Company)
Dawson Frank Foster (Photo) Durham Light Infantry
Egglestone Morley Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion (Service).
Graham John Isaac ????? Essex Regiment 13th Battalion (West Ham)
Heatherington Havelock Royal Navy
Hill Jonathan Brown Royal Engineers Company No. 30
Peadon Elliott Army Service Corps Remounts
Robson H Military Foot Police Foot Branch
Rowell Joseph Army Service Corps
Rutherford Norman Durham Light Infantry 22nd Batallion
Smith W A Durham Light Infantry 15th Service Batallion
Thompson Norman Royal Field Artillery
Walton George Alfred Labour Corp Company No. 43
Watson John Durham Light Infantry 10th Batallion (Service)
Allison Joseph Nixon Royal Garrison Artillery 115th. Heavy. Battrey
Jackson C Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport
Jackson William Royal Engineers
Bell J W Royal Navy
Dalton Jesse Northumberland Fusiliers 1st Battalion
Egglestone William Henry Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion
Fairless John Thomas The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 7th Battalion
Furnace Alfred Durham Light Infantry 18th Battalion
Greaves William Henry Princes of Wales Own Yorkshire Hussars 4th Battalion
Heatherington John William Durham Light Infantry 2nd Battalion "B Company"
Herdman John George Auckland Regiment New Zealand Expeditionary Force 1st Battalion
Hodgson Robert William London Regiment 20th (County of London) Battalion (Blackheath and Woolwich)
Hodgson Thomas Durham Light Infantry 19th Battalion
Jackson Joseph Durham Light Infantry 15th Battalion
Smith Thomas Alaby Northumberland Fusiliers 22nd (Tyneside Scottish) Batalion
Stobbs Henry Northumberland Fusiliers 4th Battalion
Thompson Isaac Australian Machine Gun Corps 5th Company
Vickers Robert Whitehead Dorsetshire Regiment 6th Battalion
Watson Thomas Durham Light Infantry 20th Battalion