Welcome to Weardale at War

Preserving the past

Through the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, we aim to use this site as a single resource in which to record details of those from Weardale who served with the armed forces in most major conflicts over the last two centuries.

The information contained within this site has been compiled from various public information sources, collated and provided via this site by the Weardale Museum's "Weardale People" Family History Service. This group of volunteers have amassed almost 70,000 Weardale people records, some dating from the 16th Century. They provide a free Family History service for people throughout the world who want to trace their Weardale roots. This is a free service but donations are requested to reflect the time spent on research.

Support our work

This service is maintained entirely by volunteers and relies on donations and funding to remain operational. If you wish to support us and our work, then please consider making a donation.